The team at Anne Frank New Zealand are delighted that ‘Let Me Be Myself’ opened in Napier on 18th March. After two years of trying to secure a suitable and available venue in this beautiful Art Deco city, the exhibition is now in the Asher Hall at St Paul’s Church. Conveniently located in central Napier, this venue is a short stroll from the main shopping district and Marine Parade.
Reverend Sally Carter hosted an opening event attended by Napier’s Deputy Mayor, Annette Brosnan, and other members of the local community. Guest speakers included Boyd Klap, Chairman of Anne Frank NZ, and David Zwartz, a sponsor of the exhibition and a prominent member of the Wellington Jewish and interfaith communities. During the opening ceremony, Boyd Klap presented Leo Te Kira, Anglican minister of the Gisborne/Hawkes Bay region, with a copy of te rataka kohine, the te reo Māori translation of Anne Frank’s diary. The head girl at Napier Girls' High School read an extract from Anne's diary and the exhibition was then officially opened by Annette Brosnan. After reciting a karakia at the entrance to the Asher Hall, Leo Te Kira opened the doors and welcomed guests into the exhibition.
The next day Education Manager Lizzy Eaves conducted a successful peer guide training event with forty students from five local schools and colleges: Wairoa College, Napier Girls’ High School, Woodford House, St Patrick’s School, and Napier Intermediate. It was lovely that Deputy Mayor, Annette Brosnan, took time out of her busy schedule to visit the exhibition during the training day to see peer guides fully engaged with guiding materials created by Anne Frank House.
This training day was also attended by twenty five adults who will work as volunteer visitor hosts for the exhibition during its stay in Napier. We are very fortunate to have such willing members of the Napier community to act as kaitiaki (guardians) of the exhibition while it is in the city.
'Let Me Be Myself' will be at the Asher Hall, St Paul’s Church, in Napier until 12th June. Opening hours are: Tuesdays to Fridays, 10am-2pm. In addition there will be a final opening day on Saturday 12th June, 12-2pm, to coincide with Anne Frank's 92nd birthday. For general enquiries, please contact Rev. Sally Carter (revsally.carter@gmail.com) and for education enquiries, please contact Lizzy Eaves - Education Manager (leadeduc@holocaustcentre.org.nz).